September 22-23, 2023

Under Attack!
How do we respond?
Hunker in our Bunker
Counter and Conquer?
And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will
Matthew 16:18
build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it
Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through
Romans 8:37
him that loved us.
Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because
1 John 4:4
greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.
It is clear from God’s Word that we ought not to sit and cower in timid defeat. Rather, we are to be conquerors through the Lord Jesus Christ!
As Christian men, we are under attack! Attack from a myriad of directions and different sources, this wicked world system and our ever-present adversary – our sinful nature.
Come and join us for a special rally just for men. You will be encouraged by godly, manly fellowship, as well as pointed and powerful preaching just for men. We will be coving topics specifically for men. These include:
- Our relationship to Our creator and redeemer.
- Our relationship to ourselves. The management of our mind.
- An appropriate assessment and use of the consistent presence of technology, its blessing as well as its blight.
- How to properly relate as a man to our friends and family.
- And of course the topic of You and Her. Whether single or married, men need to know specifically what God says in His word about our relation and interaction with the fairer sex.
1 Corinthians 16:13 –
Watch ye,stand fast in the faith,
quit you like men, be strong.
Our speakers include:

Bro. Dave Brady:
Over twenty years of pastoral experience. The founder of Purity Plan ministries.
Dr. Walter E. Widdis:
Dr. Widdis has over 30 years of pastoral experience and been the pastor of First Baptist Church, Laurel, Montana since 2002.
Pastor Ken Evans:
Pastor Evans has over 30 years of pastoral experience. He is currently serving as the pastor of Fellowship Baptist Church, Miles City, Montana.
Pastor Mike Fisher:
Pastor Fisher has extensive experience as an evangelist. He founded Real Character Ministries, with an outreach into many public schools through the country. He is currently serving as the pastor of First Baptist Church, Cody, Wyoming.
Come and be blessed by the power of God’s Word!
Everything begins Friday evening. The registration table will be open at 6:00 PM.
- Friday PM : YOU AND HIM, your walk with God – Dave Brady
- Saturday 9AM: YOU AND YOU, the management of your mind – Dave Brady
- Session 1: YOU AND IT, Technology its blessing and blight – Dave Brady
- Session 2: YOU AND THEM, the effect of your friends – Mike Fisher
- Lunch Provided
- Saturday 1PM: YOU AND HER, God’s Word on sex – Walter Widdis
- Session 3: YOU AND YOURS, leading your family as a man – Ken Evans
Session 4: YOU AND US, Q&A with the speakers
There is no charge for attendance. A free will offering will be collected to cover expenses.
Contact church office for password.
Register Today!