Join us for Special Revival Services with Brother Dave Brady, Founder of Purity Plan Ministries. PURITY PLAN MINISTRIES – Home

Dave Brady’s calling and passion is to help families and marriages, teaching on how to live in freedom over besetting sin, as well as help people maintain sexual integrity. He preaches Christ-centered truth – not “tips and techniques” – for victorious living.
Dave has a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Bible and Ministry. After 25 years of pastoral ministry in Independent Fundamental Baptist churches, the Lord led him to found Purity Plan Ministries in November of 2012.
By God’s grace, he and his family travel across the United States pointing individuals to Spirit-filled living (depending on God’s enabling power) for victory. The answers for victory we are looking for are not found in ourselves, but in a moment-by-moment trust in God in temptation.
One of the large ways God has used the Brady family is in helping people struggling with sexual sin, providing hope to them, and pointing out a clear plan for victory over sensuality and sin.
In addition to the comprehensive 15 week online course, Journey to Victory, the Lord has enabled Brother Brady to author Slay the Dragon: Living in Lasting Victory in an Increasingly Impure World.
Dave Brady will be with us Sunday, September 22 through Friday, September 27. Sunday Services are 10:45AM and 6:00PM. Monday through Friday services are 7:00 PM. Nursery will be provide for all services.
Contact us with any questions.